Friday 2 March 2012

I have watched the trailer for the upcoming film, 'War Horse', directed by Steven Spielberg. The movie is about a boy who joins the army during WW1 after his horse, Joey, is sold to the cavalry for the fighting in France. The movie looks very high budget, lot's of special effects are used the set looks very expensive to create. In the trailer, the first scene is the horse running through a live battlefield, dodging explosions and machine gun fire. This gives us a clear view of what the film is about.
The film poster is very simple but also very effective. The main image creates a sense of partnership and friendship.
There is a slogan on the top of the poster which says "Separated by war, Tested by Battle, Bound by friendship". This is a very powerful catchline which anchors the themes portrayed in the film. The colours in the images work very well to create a warm feel, as well as represent the horrific events of the war.

I think that there is a direct link between the film trailer and the Film poster. These are both above the line forms of advertising. The film producers pay a lot of money for these to be produced. Film posters can be displayed in a lot of places, which is why they are so effective. The magazines however, are a bit different. They are below the line advertising. The magazine company needs material to write about, and the Film producers want to advertise. So the two help each other out. The magazines usually write about a film review after the film has been realesed. But sometimes they talk about the film before it is realesed, mostly interviewing the stars in the films, or the directors, at the film premiere. The magazines aren't as effective as the poster and trailr when it comes to advertising, but they are free for the producers.

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